Saturday, April 6, 2013

Weekend Intensive Class reflections

It is overwhelming to consider the amount of information gained in this class!  Of course, it's overwhelming in a good way.  In addition to the digital resources, I've learned many new vocabulary words.  Here are a few:

Aggregation- The gathering of resources stored for future use.  Using this method, I can simply find tons of information--video, lessons, photos, etc.  The information is then stored to be used

Educational Curation- The process of integrating social, cognitive, and expert interactions to intentionally build dynamic, inquiry based educational experiences with content that is selected, created, and digitally presented.

Flipping Instruction- This essentially transfers the ownership of learning to the kids.  The inquiry based lessons allow kids to engage and explore concepts on their own to increase their learning.  When given the essential tools necessary for self-directed learning, the possibilities are endless.

TED-Ed Lessons Worth Sharing

 is the link to the lessons for flipped instruction. Take a look!

Twitter-  I have avoided Twitter for over a year.  I didn't feel that I needed anything else to sink my time into.  I thought that Twitter was another way for people to broadcast meaningless events of their daily lives.  After hearing about the wealth of information twitter provides--especially when you control who you are following--I thought it might be worth a try (It was also a class requirement :-))
After creating my twitter account, I spent time last night "following" other people suggested by Dr. Stokes.

Twitter links found: 23 Things Every Teacher Should Be Able To Do With An iPad
How to Create Successful Student Blogging-Taking it to a Deeper Level